1. What’s the difference you’re seeking to make in the world?
  2. As you go about your daily work and life do you have an over-arching intention?
  3. A commitment that enriches your day?
  4. An intent unique and precious to you?
  5. A purpose that when you’re honouring it you feel energised, decisions come easier, you’re buzzing, you’re pumping on all cylinders?
  6. And, when things go wrong, a purpose that endures and guides you, fuelling your resilience and persistence to prevail?

Usually the wording of an intention looks very simple – something like

‘To ignite creativity’

To connect and reach out’

‘To ask questions and listen

These are simple but not simplistic words – by time you have refined your purpose the words are filled with unique meaning, energy and direction.

We like to make a distinction between purpose and intention. We hear of ‘finding your purpose’.  As if it’s something elusive and predetermined, from outside of us. Whereas intention – there’s so much more self-efficacy associated with an intention.For us an intention is something you define yourself.  Forming and connecting with your intention takes some reflection.

We find that your intention needs to resonate with you not just at a head or intellectual level but also at a gut or intuitive level and a heart level as well – so that you’re fully aligned behind it.

I was listening to a talk given by Caroline Keeling, CEO of Keelings a while back.  Most of us probably associate Keelings with fruit.  Under Caroline’s leadership, they have expanded into providing software solutions and industry expertise globally.  One of the things Caroline realised when she became CEO was that she needed to be at the top of her game and that included being physically fit.

Her comments put me to speculating on what Caroline’s leadership intention might be!

Maybe it’s ‘Love to Grow’ in line with their branding. Or maybe it’s ‘fit to lead!’

What’s abundantly clear is that she’s given herself the time to think through what’s of fundamental importance to her as leader.

Have you taken time to reflect on your personal leadership intention? The unique difference you want to make in the world?

Here’s 3 bonus questions to reflect on if you want to make a start yourself:

What am I longing for?’ (great question from Michael Bungay Stanier).

‘What brought me to this role?’,

‘What’s keeping me here right now?’ 

And you could check out Martha Beck’s book ‘Finding your own North Star’.

Or indeed you can talk to us and we can help you through our FOCUS  Connect with Your Leadership Purpose. We will be delighted to support you in exploring and defining your unique leadership intention.


Mojo For Leaders provides a suite of online support for leaders who want to ensure that they are at their best in meeting today’s challenges such as their Platinum Thinking Partnership, CLARITY Thinking Sessions, CLARIFY & CONTRACT Team Workshops and FOCUS Decision Making Session.